In the Snake's Claws

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You are here » In the Snake's Claws » Basics » Canon characters - humans

Canon characters - humans

Posts 1 to 2 of 2


Aren't itching to fill out the entire form for your own character, huh? Well, then you have an opportunity to get a canonic character and save lots of time and nerves! NOTE: The characters whose names are crossed out are already taken and you cannot take them.
1. Joe Bandini
Age: 20
Human, soldier.
Has a pet chulubi named Laser

2. Winter Moon
Age: 15
Human, spy

3. Lonny Shepard
Age: 17
Human, spy
Has a pet chulubi named Keera

Characters will be added as the book progresses.



My friend, why are you doing such unnecessary things? Do not be offended, but all of these questionnaires on the forums look very strange in 2017 year. I think we should be a little more modern. Can you try a more real way to meet a girl? For example, you can remember at least , where I recently found my girlfriend. Seriously, this is a better way to get to know someone.


You are here » In the Snake's Claws » Basics » Canon characters - humans