In the Snake's Claws

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You are here » In the Snake's Claws » Basics » Rules


Posts 1 to 3 of 3


1. No swearing
2. No stuff 16+
3. No plagiarizing
4. If you read the book, then do not spoil it for others. If you do and Lonny Shepard, Commander Littarow, or Jaye Night find out, they make sure you pay.
5. If you bought the book and read it, you have no right to post it anywhere in the Internet.
To be continued...



I found this in the rules forum, but I'm wondering if I can use a proxy ( server to access the site? Otherwise I wouldn't get to come here due to restrictions in my country. It's a shame, but that is the reality.



Binme wrote:

I found this in the rules forum, but I'm wondering if I can use a proxy server to access the site? Otherwise I wouldn't get to come here due to restrictions in my country. It's a shame, but that is the reality.

Please tell me, I see you are using a proxy server. I recently started to use a handy program to check domains . Do you think it makes sense to additionally use proxy servers, or is it meaningless? Thanks in advance for the advice, I'll wait for a response from a professional.


You are here » In the Snake's Claws » Basics » Rules